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'.' + x[1] : ''; var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2'); } return x1 + x2; } /****************************************************************************** Ajax, Form, Link 관련 함수 ******************************************************************************/ // Form을 Ajax로 호출 전체 설정 (target이 있는것 제외) $(document).ready(function() { $("form").each(function() { if( $(this).attr('target') == '' ) { $(this).submit(function() { submit_form("#" + $(this).attr('id')); return false; }); } }); }); // Ajax 호출시 기본 설정 /* $.ajaxSetup({ beforeSend : function() { show_loading(); }, complete : function() { hide_loading(); }, error : function() { alert("The connection to the server has a problem. Please try again later."); } }); */ // Form을 Ajax로 호출 function submit_form(form) { var form = $(form); $.ajax({ type : form.attr('method'), url : form.attr('action'), data : form.serialize(), success : function(response) { try{ eval(response); } catch(e) { alert("The connection to the server has a problem. Please try again later."); hide_loading(); } }, beforeSend : function() { show_loading(); }, complete : function() { hide_loading(); } //error : function() { alert("The connection to the server has a problem. Please try again later."); } }); } // url을 Ajax로 호출 function submit_link(url) { $.ajax({ type : 'GET', url : url, success : function(response) { try{ eval(response); } catch(e) { alert("The connection to the server has a problem. Please try again later."); hide_loading(); } }, beforeSend : function() { show_loading(); }, complete : function() { hide_loading(); } //error : function() { alert("The connection to the server has a problem. Please try again later."); } }); } // 삭제 경고후 Form Submit function remove_form(form) { if(confirm('Do you want to delete?')) $(form).submit(); } // 삭제 경고후 url 호출 function remove_link(url) { if(confirm('Do you want to delete?')) submit_link(url); } // 현재 페이지를 url로 전환 function href(url) { window.location.href = url; } /****************************************************************************** list, view, new, edit 관련 공통 함수 ******************************************************************************/ // json error message 확인 function check_error(data) { if( typeof data != "undefined" ) { if( typeof data.errors != "undefined" && $.isArray(data.errors) && data.errors.length > 0 ) { alert(data.errors[0]); return false; } } return true; } // list data 호출 function load_list(page, field, word, view) { if( typeof page == "undefined" ) page = ""; if( typeof field == "undefined" ) field = ""; if( typeof word == "undefined" ) word = ""; if( typeof view == "undefined" ) view = ""; $.getJSON( "/?c="+ _class +"&m=select&p="+ page +"&f="+ field +"&w="+ word +"&v="+ view, function(data) { _data = data; close_all(); if( check_error(data) ) { create_list(); } if( typeof _data.view != "undefined" && _data.view != "" ) { open_view(find_seq(_data.view)); } } ); } // list data 호출 function update_list(view, func) { if( typeof view == "undefined" ) view = ""; $.getJSON( "/?c="+ _class +"&m=select&p="+ +"&f="+ _data.field +"&w="+ _data.word +"&v="+ view, function(data) { _data = data; close_all(); if( check_error(data) ) { create_list(); } if( typeof _data.view != "undefined" && _data.view != "" ) { open_view(find_seq(_data.view)); if($.isFunction(func)) func(); } } ); } // searh list data 호출 function load_list_search() { $.getJSON( "/?c="+ _class +"&m=select&f="+ $("#form_search select[name='field']").val() +"&w="+ $("#form_search input[name='word']").val(), function(data) { _data = data; close_all(); if( check_error(data) ) { create_list(); } } ); } // 리스트 생성 (각 페이지에서 재정의) function create_list() { } // 페이지 네비게이션 생성 function create_pagination() { $("#pagination").html(""); arr_page = new Array; 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